Thursday, April 8, 2010

A week of boredom

Well I guess it's about time for me to update here again. My life is sadly very boring. I am still scanner-less although that will hopefully change soon. And you'll start seeing updates in graphical form.

I've decided I needed to get back into gaming. Not just computer gaming, that's never really stopped. No I'm talking D&D, shadowrun, GURPS, anything really. The game has never really mattered, I can throw myself into a character and have fun. Yes the pen and paper are calling. Unfortunately all my friends in the local area have either graduated or moved away recently. So I found another way, has a play by post forum and it seems that people also recruit for games over IRC and skype there as well. I just signed up to be either the player or DM in a 3.5 game. I've been making worlds in my free time. I guess I had been hoping for this kind of opportunity. Either way I'll be happy to have some kind of gaming going on. I might even join in another game. I'm in the middle of a few projects right now so I don't want to stretch myself too thin, but I still have plenty of free time. Once I'm finished with the biggest job I should have plenty of money and all the free time I could want.

Well that's my boring life for this week, hopefully within a week or two you'll see the return of the comic journal. I'll try to be more interesting as well.

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