-I'm pale white, what minority does he think I am?
Here's another (poorly drawn) comic, with work involved. I had to leave the company to get ready to go back to school. I need the break time anyway. I want nothing more than to relax. This is not particularly likely as I have to get ready to move as well, but that can wait for at least another week.
As you can see at least one of the 'wonderful' people I worked with had questioned why I was given my job in IT. It's possible that it may be true others were passed up for me to get the position, but I did that job well. I don't care what anyone says.
I do get irate at people, but I will never raise my voice to them. If someone wants to argue, then they can do all the one sided arguing they want. If they ask me questions, I'll answer them. Calmly and honestly. If they don't like it they can continue to argue and complain, while I sit there. While I do use violence in my comics alot, I am not a violent person. I'm actually rather peaceful in life. Although at times I do have the urge to smack a few people upside the head.
Although it should be noted that sometimes sitting in a wheelchair can be a nice thing. As when someone is yelling at a person in a wheelchair a crowd tends to gather and most of them will take your side. Especially if you're not saying anything stupid back. Most people start to read the crowd then leave. At the same time you can get easily cornered and I can't tell you how many conversations I've wanted avoid but couldn't because the person was blocking the unfortunately narrow hallway.
The guys I worked with were all pretty nice in the IT dept. (Even the guy who never stopped looking at my chest was pretty ok.) The work was pretty dull some days. One day we started a core wars league. (We were programming, so it was kind of like work, or at least looked like work.) I was in third out of five when I left. I wonder how well my bots will stand up over time. (Look here if you're interested in Core Wars.)
I will miss that job...
Well that's all for now.