Saturday, September 4, 2010

On Dwarf Fortress

I admit,to pass the time I have been considering returning to Dwarf Fortress. The game sucked me in completely in years past. I had planned on playing it as soon as it was available for linux. Sadly, this did not happen. Several factors pushed me away from that time sink.

Recently, I decided to take a look back and see what bug fixes were in since my last peek. In doing so I had sealed my fate. So many things had been changed, it sounded amazing. I now feel like I've fallen behind. My knowledge of the game is outdated. So I'm taking a weekend to play it once again. I also decided that since I have time I might as well update this blog.

I plan to update this every so often, but it will continue to be irregular until likely January. When my financial situation will hopefully look a bit brighter.


Apples said...

Ah, more updates, more sketches!
No more sketches...
Robbed twice?!
And not the scanner again!!!
As to how you still seem cheerful from losing all that work and hardware... where is the outburst of anger!

A lot sure has happened in that year.

G'luck getting back into Dwarf Fortress. I'll have to try it again myself after a year and a half long hiatus.

I'd say get another scanner so that more sketches can be seen, but that would just be cruel ;)

Kate Wissen said...

Well you can look forward to new sketches. A scanner is on it's way.

I'm not 'cheerful' about it, but there's nothing I can do about it, so I don't really put much effort into caring about it. If that makes any sense at all.

DF is running so poorly on this temp-temp machine. It's not worth it yet. Once I buy my new computer I can start it up again, but apparently it's too soon.

Thanks for reading!