To make a long story short I am rather unhappy with it. I am no news reporter, nor am I a lawyer. So rather than muddle through and tell you all about it I figured I would give you an appropriate link or two.
This is an inconvenience to all, not just pirates. After all it seems that mere accusations can cause you some trouble. So in truth I would like to see it fail horribly, or at least change dramatically. I doubt either one will come to pass. So I make preparations for the laws of the world to change again.
I have made plans to use this for evil. The irony that few realize is that the law applies to everyone. If you dislike a group or organization? Accuse them of infringement! 'The CEO of the RIAA seems to have recently downloaded (insert copyrighted material). Please take action against this individual immediately!" "The members of Congress seems to have recently downloaded..." You get the picture. Accuse everyone. It costs you practically nothing.
Yes, this presents a problem for everyone. Just remember that EVERYONE includes people you would like to get a point across to and/or dislike. =)
(Insert Maniacal Laughter Here)